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List of Inspection Menu by Types of Facilities

For customers who have registered inspection items and the implementation month, we offer a service to support inspection schedule management.

Inspection Menu for Each Type of Facilities

Hotel / Inn

The “Act for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Law),” “Hotel Business Law,” “Sanitary Management Guidelines for Public Bathhouses,” and several other laws mandate water quality testing of drinking water, bathing water, cooling water, and effluent water, as well as environmental analysis and various other inspections.

Hospital / Research Institute

In addition to tap water inspection, inspection is required by several laws, including the “Sewerage Law” and the “Water Pollution Prevention Act.” Inspection items and frequency will vary depending on the amount of tap water and the type of chemicals.
Environmental analysis such as air cleanliness is also covered.

Public bath

In accordance with the “Sanitary Management Guidelines for Public Bathhouses” and “Guidelines for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease,” we conduct inspections of raw bath water (hot water), water (hot water) after bathing, and bathtub water. The number of inspections differs depending on the number of filters and their usage. Inspection items also vary depending on the location. Feel free to contact us.

Industrial plant

Inspections are required by several laws, including the “Sewerage Law” and the “Water Pollution Prevention Act.” Inspection items and frequency vary depending on the amount of tap water and the type of chemicals.
For large plants with tap water and large bathhouses, regulatory laws may increase such as the “Sanitary Management Guidelines for Public Bathhouses.”
Please contact us for analysis of treated wastewater before sewage discharge, soil elution testing, as well as sludge treatment.

Building / Apartment

In addition to water quality testing and air environment measurements in accordance with the “Act for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Law),” please contact us for the cleaning of water storage tank and the inspections of small-scale private water supply systems. We also conduct water quality testing of humidifying water, miscellaneous water (including water for landscape use), and swimming pool water, cooling water of cooling towers, and soot and smoke measurements of boilers and hot/cold water generators.

Swimming pool / Gym

Pool water quality testing is required by the “Sanitation Management Guidelines for Swimming Pools (The name varies by region),” “School Health and Safety Act,” and “Guidelines for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease.” Sample collection points and inspection items vary depending on the size and usage of the tank. As for indoor swimming pools, concentration of carbon dioxide in the air may be measured. Depending on the size of the facility, we’ll inspect the quality of tap water.

Commercial facility

In accordance with the “Act for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Act),” we also conduct water quality testing of tap water and miscellaneous water (including water for landscape use), air environment measurements, cooling water quality testing of cooling towers, and soot and smoke measurements of boilers and cold/heated water generators.
Contact us for wastewater analysis, wastewater treatment systems, and sludge treatment to meet local sewage removal standards.

Welfare facility

We analyze the quality of tap water, bath water, pool water, cooling water, humidifying water, and water for miscellaneous use in accordance with the “Act for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Law),” “Sanitary Management Guidelines for Public Bathhouses,” “Guidelines for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease,” “Sanitation Management Guidelines for Swimming Pools (The name varies by region),” etc.
Please contact us for air environment measurements, soot and smoke measurements for boilers and hot/cold water generators, and wastewater analysis by local sewage removal standards and sewage usage.

School / Kindergarten / Nursery

We conduct water quality testing and environmental measurements of tap water, pool water, and cooling water in accordance with the “Act for Maintenance of Sanitation in Buildings (Building Management Law),” “Sanitation Management Guidelines for Swimming Pools (The name varies by region),” “School Health and Safety Act,” “Guidelines for Prevention of Legionnaires’ Disease,” etc. We also inspect water purifiers that use RO membranes for drinking water. Please contact us.

Private residence

If you are concerned about rusty water or if you feel the taste of tap water has changed, we will suggest the requirements for water quality testing in accordance with the “Water Works Law.”
If you have been using well water for a long time and you are worried about whether the quality of the water has changed or not, regular inspection will help determine trends and countermeasures.
Please feel free to contact us for the cleaning of miscellaneous drain pipes or water storage tank for detached houses.


Our analysis engineers will provide easy-to-understand explanations for customers who are considering testing for the first time. The flow may differ in some cases depending on the contents of inspection, inspection items, and the type of analysis. For more information, please contact us directly.