Case studies and testimonials
“My request to find the cause of puddles in the yard on a sunny day” successfully resolved with a testing plan that fit my budget.
Water quality testing/environmental analyses

“My request to find the cause of puddles in the yard on a sunny day” successfully resolved with a testing plan that fit my budget.

Individual customer

  • Private residence
  • User testimonial
  • Water quality analysis
Individual customer

Customer’s comments

There were always puddles of water in my yard even though it didn’t rain, and I was concerned that it might be sewage from the neighborhood. It was the first time for me to request a water quality test, but I consulted with  (our Analysis Division service site) to see if they could find the cause. “We’ll ask you about the situation in detail and suggest tests”, they said on the spot, suggesting about three different tests.

However, the proposed inspection plan was far beyond my budget, so they suggested a plan with more narrowly focused inspection items, and in the end, I was able to have the necessary inspections done within my budget.

As a result of the inspection, I found that the puddles of water in my yard were groundwater. Now I can even let our pets play in the yard without worry, which was very helpful. Thank you for your flexibility.

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